2022 Calendar
We welcome new members and would love to have you join us. Visit our membership page for more information.

Tuesday, February 15
6:15 PM
Newburyport Senior/Community Center
331 High Street, Newburyport
Botanical Drawing: Why and How, Nancy Bentivegna
Nancy Bentivegna is a botanical artist who received her training at the New York Botanical Gardens through the Botanical Art and Illustration Program. After completing the program in 2010, she relocated to Boston and taught at the Boston Center for Adult Education for many years before purchasing and operating Wildflower Farm in Newbury. Nancy will share a brief history of botanical drawing before guiding us all to be successful depicting plant material with supplied pen and paper.
$10 Visiting Guest Fee
6:15 PM
Newburyport Senior/Community Center
331 High Street, Newburyport
Botanical Drawing: Why and How, Nancy Bentivegna
Nancy Bentivegna is a botanical artist who received her training at the New York Botanical Gardens through the Botanical Art and Illustration Program. After completing the program in 2010, she relocated to Boston and taught at the Boston Center for Adult Education for many years before purchasing and operating Wildflower Farm in Newbury. Nancy will share a brief history of botanical drawing before guiding us all to be successful depicting plant material with supplied pen and paper.
$10 Visiting Guest Fee
Tuesday, March 8
6:15 PM Newburyport Senior/Community Center 331 High Street, Newburyport The Story of My Garden, Patsy Gallagher Join fellow member Patsy Gallagher for her presentation called "The Story of My Garden." She will cover topics such as gardening on a shoestring, coexisting with wetlands, using glassware for enhancement, and incorporating whimsy in a garden. A self-described amateur, she boasts no credentials whatsoever; rather her knowledge stems from past mistakes, dogged perseverance, and a pure love of nature in her own back yard. $10 Visiting Guest Fee |

Tuesday, April 12
6:15 PM
Newburyport Senior/Community Center
331 High Street, Newburyport
A Cup of Flowers, Carole Gura
A nationally recognized flower arranger, member Carole Gura will share her inspiration, tips and vast knowledge as she demonstrates and teaches us how to create a mini masterpiece - in a teacup! Carole will draw on her experience as an accomplished designer for the Museum of Fine Arts, Peabody Essex Museum, Sandwich Museum, Museum of Arts and Sciences in Manchester, NH, Museum of Old Newbury, Boston Flower Show and, of course, our own Books in Bloom! After watching Carole, we will use the teacups and floral materials we bring from home (some extras will be provided) to design our own arrangements with her expert guidance.
$10 Visiting Guest Fee
6:15 PM
Newburyport Senior/Community Center
331 High Street, Newburyport
A Cup of Flowers, Carole Gura
A nationally recognized flower arranger, member Carole Gura will share her inspiration, tips and vast knowledge as she demonstrates and teaches us how to create a mini masterpiece - in a teacup! Carole will draw on her experience as an accomplished designer for the Museum of Fine Arts, Peabody Essex Museum, Sandwich Museum, Museum of Arts and Sciences in Manchester, NH, Museum of Old Newbury, Boston Flower Show and, of course, our own Books in Bloom! After watching Carole, we will use the teacups and floral materials we bring from home (some extras will be provided) to design our own arrangements with her expert guidance.
$10 Visiting Guest Fee

Tuesday, May 10
6:15 PM
Newburyport Senior/Community Center
331 High Street, Newburyport
Good Bugs and Bad Bugs!, Bonnie Power
Not all insects are bad for the garden. In fact, we rely on many bugs to rid us of other unwanted invaders! This presentation describes some of the common beneficial and pest insects that gardeners encounter in New England. We will take a look at their habits and their life cycles as we discuss how their presence affects the success of our garden year. Bonnie Power has been a Massachusetts Master Gardener and member of the MMGA Speakers Bureau since 2016 and has been a serious indoor/outdoor gardener most of her life. Her degrees in Zoology inform her perspective on the management of garden and houseplant insects.
$10 Visiting Guest Fee
6:15 PM
Newburyport Senior/Community Center
331 High Street, Newburyport
Good Bugs and Bad Bugs!, Bonnie Power
Not all insects are bad for the garden. In fact, we rely on many bugs to rid us of other unwanted invaders! This presentation describes some of the common beneficial and pest insects that gardeners encounter in New England. We will take a look at their habits and their life cycles as we discuss how their presence affects the success of our garden year. Bonnie Power has been a Massachusetts Master Gardener and member of the MMGA Speakers Bureau since 2016 and has been a serious indoor/outdoor gardener most of her life. Her degrees in Zoology inform her perspective on the management of garden and houseplant insects.
$10 Visiting Guest Fee

Tuesday, June 14
5:00 PM
(Rain Date: Wednesday, June 15)
Members' Garden Tour
We will be visiting three of our members unique and beautiful gardens. We will start at the first garden and after viewing move on to the next. At our last stop, we will enjoy refreshments, conversation and friendship. Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
5:00 PM
(Rain Date: Wednesday, June 15)
Members' Garden Tour
We will be visiting three of our members unique and beautiful gardens. We will start at the first garden and after viewing move on to the next. At our last stop, we will enjoy refreshments, conversation and friendship. Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share.

Tuesday, September 13
5:30 PM
Custom House Maritime Museum Lawn
(Rain Date: Wednesday, September 14)
Our Annual Harvest Dinner
Until the 20th century most farmers celebrated the end of the harvest with a big meal called the Harvest Supper, to which all who had helped in the harvest were invited. Let's come together to enjoy the good things of the season by bringing your favorite dish to share! Be it appetizer, vegetable, salad, main dish or dessert, our evening is bound to be heartwarming and delicious! Please consider bringing a non-perishable food item, or two, that we will share with our neighbors at a local food pantry.
5:30 PM
Custom House Maritime Museum Lawn
(Rain Date: Wednesday, September 14)
Our Annual Harvest Dinner
Until the 20th century most farmers celebrated the end of the harvest with a big meal called the Harvest Supper, to which all who had helped in the harvest were invited. Let's come together to enjoy the good things of the season by bringing your favorite dish to share! Be it appetizer, vegetable, salad, main dish or dessert, our evening is bound to be heartwarming and delicious! Please consider bringing a non-perishable food item, or two, that we will share with our neighbors at a local food pantry.
Tuesday, October 11
6:15 PM Newburyport Senior/Community Center 331 High Street, Newburyport Myths, Lies, and All the Latest Dirt!, C. L. Fornari C. L. Fornari is a writer, speaker, radio host and garden consultant. She gardens at Poison Ivy Acres on Cape Cod. Her initials may or may not stand for Compost Lover. In this down-and-dirty talk, the Garden Lady will help gardeners sort through the folklore and hype surrounding plants, practices and products. $10 Visiting Guest Fee |
Tuesday, November 8
6:15 PM Newburyport Senior/Community Center 331 High Street, Newburyport Gorgeous Seasonal Arrangements, Dana Marshall Dana Marshall was the popular host of Brunch by the River on radio station 92.5 for over 27 years! She has returned to her roots as a florist with her studio/pop up venture - Petals & Pine. Dana will create an Autumn/ Thanksgiving centerpiece and demonstrate how to transition to a holiday arrangement. We can expect to see her use natural, seasonal elements such as pods, berries, cones, fruit, herbs, and other items that linger late in the garden. $10 Visiting Guest Fee |
Tuesday, December 13
6:15 PM Newburyport Senior/Community Center 331 High Street, Newburyport Our Annual Meeting and Holiday Gathering This is our opportunity to elect our future officers and share the year's accomplishments. Following the Annual Meeting we will create beautiful arrangements with greens, containers and ribbons provided by members. Please bring enough for yourself, and enough to share with others if you are able. The Society will provide Oasis. Please remember your clippers, floral tape, wire, and scissors! The holiday spirit will surely be in the air as we share greetings of the season and enjoy each other's company. As is the custom for our December meeting, please bring a dish, with serving utensils, to share with fellow members. The delicious treats are so very special every year! MEMBERS ONLY |